Parents Plus - Parenting Programmes

Problems at home can spill over into the classroom, which can make teaching a lot harder. So, supporting parents to improve family life can make a big difference to schools. The Parents Plus charity is Ireland’s leading provider of high-quality evidence-based parenting programmes. They are a social enterprise who recently received RTÉ Toy Show/Community Foundation of Ireland funding to extend their parenting programmes online. This means they can now reach every community.
Their programmes make a measurable impact for parents, children and families. Results show they reduce stress for parents by helping them to:
· Reduce conflict with their child,
· Have a more connected satisfying relationship with them,
· Cultivate improved behaviour, and
· Gain skills in tuning-in positively, listening, communicating and problem-solving
Teachers may know parents who are struggling and who want to learn new positive parenting skills to improve their family life, and help their children with schoolwork.
They offer a suite of Parents Plus programmes across various age ranges and categories:
· Early Years (0-6), covers daily routines, managing tantrums, encouraging learning, tuning in, emotional development.
· Children’s Programme (6-11), covers building self-esteem, supporting schoolwork, emotional support, behavioural management techniques.
· Adolescent Programme, staying connected, rules & boundaries, & solving problems together.
· Parenting When Separated, includes areas such as co-parenting & emotional support for children.
· Healthy Families Programme (0-10) covers the development of healthy habits for the family, establishing good routines around sleep, screen time, activity, happy mealtimes.
· Special Needs Programme (11-18) supporting parents to cope, good routines, self care, managing behaviours that challenge, supporting siblings, developing social connections.
Teachers can help parents access these programmes by sharing this information link in school emails, newsletters or website:
Parenting Programmes Now Available Online
Are you struggling with parenting? Do you want to learn new positive parenting skills to improve your family life? Are you looking for better ways to help your children with schoolwork, develop their coping skills and improve their relationships? The Parents Plus charity is Ireland’s leading provider of high-quality parenting programmes. They offer a suite of parenting programmes across various age ranges and categories:
· Early Years (0-6), covers areas like daily routines, managing tantrums & learning.
· Children’s Programme (6-11), covers areas like building self-esteem & supporting schoolwork.
· Adolescent Programme, covers areas like rules & boundaries, & solving problems together.
· Parenting When Separated, includes areas like co-parenting & emotional support for children.
· Special Needs Programme (11-18) covers areas like supporting education & development.
For further information and to register, you can access our parenting programmes here.